Hey Everyone! I am still alive! I survived all the books, tests, and lectures! And now I can breathe!
So as most of you know, I started school last Fall. And it seems that I haven't had a life since then. But I'm reclaiming my life. Well, for the summer at least. :) So my Fall semester was very exciting. I took 15 credits and had so much fun! Of course it was a lot of work, but I also learned so much. I had all A's that semester except for a B in my German class. I'll talk more about this class a bit later. My spring semester I got straight A's! And I just finished my summer class today. It was a 2 week intensive class for public speaking. I also got an A in this class. Now I am free for the summer and will start back again in the Fall.
So about that German class: I took this class hoping to learn how to speak German and actually took the next German class the following semester too. Unfortunately, this class was awful and so was the teacher. I felt pressure to continue with the classes, because I had promised Taddy I would learn German. Yet, about half way through the second semester, my other classes were suffering from the work load of this elective class. On top of that, my main goal was not being accomplished. I couldn't speak a lick of German. The way this class was taught was focused on the grammar (which I know is important), but we were not pairing the grammar with vocab and actual practice. In the end I knew so much grammar that not only was I having nightmares (no joke), but I was also so afraid to try and even say anything, because I might break a rule. The teacher would yell at us if we broke a grammar rule, instead of encouraging us to keep trying. Anyways, one night Taddy was helping me with my German homework and out of confusion and frustration, I broke down. Taddy basically begged me to drop the class because it was ruining me. So I dropped it. This is probably one of the most singly important decisions I have ever made in my whole life. I know that seems rediculous, but this class was litteraly breaking me down.
So, that is my college update! This summer I will be focusing on our house and finally finishing it along with a few other projects around here. I'm hoping to paint a bunch of rooms in our house, plus the trim and doors. The previous owner painted them all a cream color, and I want them to be white. Also I want to tackle our garage and organize it! BIG PROJECT!!! :) Also, I am really hoping to seal our fence, and paint our house (the outside). I always say that if pepto bismal had a green color, that's the color of our house. I've always wished we did not live in a big green house. So I am really hoping this can get done this summer too.
Also this summer, Taddy and I are hoping to take a mini vacation somewhere. Not sure where yet, but somewhere HOT, on the beach, and with palm trees!!! My dream vacation. We might try and hit up California. Then in August, Taddy's best friend Ben is getting married. Taddy is his best man, and so we will be flying to Germany for 2 weeks. We are looking forward to this. This will be the first time I am in Germany when it's warm!! That makes me really excited. Every time I go it's raining and snowing and gloomy. Everyone tells me that Germany is really pretty, it just never is when I'm there. So I am looking forward to packing summer style clothes for our trip! Also, Taddy's littlest brother Leo, who is now 16, is going to be coming back with us from our Germany trip. Leo will be a foriegn exchange student this coming school year and he will be living with us! We are really excited for this opportunity! It will be a huge life change for us on many different levels. But one that sticks out alot is that he won't be able to drive in the states, so we will be driving him to school every day, picking him up from school, and taking him anywhere else he wants to go. Simple things like this is going to require Taddy and I to adjust our current way of living. Although there may be hard times, we are so excited about this!
So that's a little update on my college life and a hopeful preview of our summer! Hopefully I can now keep up a bit more with this blog now that school is out! I am so excited to officially start my summer!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
2 months ago