Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blogging Woes...

Normally I would say that I am pretty savvy when it comes to things on the internet. But man this blog is driving me insane! After much time and confusion, I think I figured out my problem. My main issue was the background that I chose. For some reason it wouldn't let me do the things I wanted to. Like for example add people's blogs to my blog list. Well finally I just decided tonight that I would go back to a regular boring ol' background and see if I could navigate better...and what do you know...I could!! So anyways excuse the non cute background for a bit while I figure stuff out! School started this week and so I don't have a lot of extra time on my hands. But if I get a decent chunk of time, and I have all my homework done then I'll spruce it up!! :) Anyone with blog wisdom is welcome to share their wonderful insights to a poor struggling blogger...

Things I would like to add: The we have been married for X years X days, etc. I made one...but I don't know where to put it to get it on the page. Then I would like to pick a good background that doesn't ruin everything! And what is: My DEL.ICIO.US ??? Can I get rid of that??? I don't see it on anyone else's pages... any wisdom is very much appreciated!! :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Welcome to the World of the Schmitts!!!!!

Well here we are! Just Taddy and I (Ariel). I realize most families with blogs have children and we don't yet have any...but I think maybe we can have a blog anyways even though we are childless. :) We will one day have children and when we do we will add them and then I guess we will have a more normal blog. Hopefully this will be a good way for our friends and family to stay more connected with us even though we live so far away.

Please be patient as we learn how to do all the blog things. I am thrilled that I found a background that I liked and figured out how to get it on our page. (Taddy doesn't like the background so much, he said it's cute and he's not into cute, silly boy) Next thing I would like to figure out is how to add blogs to the side that I like to read. That way I don't have to keep them all open on my computer... :) Taddy would cringe! Heheheh... Well that's it for now! Welcome to the world of the Schmitts!!! It's a bit crazy, maybe boring, definitely German, but it's still us! :) We hope you enjoy!
